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Vortex game

Vortex is an idle game. Being stuck in a vortex is not supposed to be fun, but Vortex the game flips the script, changes the rules and makes it a total blast! With but the click of a button you can escape the forever spinning confines of the vortex. This is a game of timing, reflex, and spatial recognition. If you have the ability to master both time and space you will be able to click your way out of the vortex. And what will you find on the other side of the vortex? More vortex. The vortex never ends it is within you and without you. Just when you think you have escaped it you have actually just clicked your way into another vortex. This is fine, in fact, it's great! The more accurate you are at vortex skipping the more points you'll gain. Every ring of the vortex you avoid is but another point and the higher you go the more you can dominate the leader board.



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