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Dropdown Jewel Blast

  • reklam

    Bu reklama tıklamak oyunu etkilemez. Reklam bağlantıları yeni bir pencerede açılır.


Dropdown Jewel Blast game

Dropdown Jewel Blast is a simple puzzle game that will keep you entertained for hours! Check out this block blaster game where your goal is to blast the jewel-colored blocks before it hits the top of the screen. Swipe the blocks left and right until they drop down and blast other blocks out of the screen by creating a single line of blocks. Every time you swipe, new blocks will be added from the bottom of the puzzle as it climbs up the screen making it more of a challenge. However, your objective is to blast the blocks and keep them from hitting the top of the screen. Click on the leaderboard icon to view your score and see where you stand against other block blasters. At the end of each game, you will see your most recent and best score. Play again until you beat your best score and watch as you rise up the leaderboards beating out all of your friends. This is a mobile-friendly game that you can play on either your mobile device or your computer!



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